Tuesday, February 15, 2011

7 Places to See Free Boobs


            Who doesn’t love boobs? We have compiled a list of the best places to see free boobs, because lets face it nobody wants to pay a 25 dollar cover charge to see some hag with a caesarean  scar and cigarette burns shake her nasty boobies. So without further ado, I bring you the best place to see free boobies.

                Mardigras. If you like young middle to upper class white boobies, this is where you should be. For the price of some plastic beads, you can make young drunk white girls flash you the boob. This is nothing more than an excuse for these inebriated girls to do what comes naturally; namely, pull their shirts up and scream, “WOOOO, I’m so wasted, Mardigras, WOOOHOOO.” It’s important that the individual scream the name of the event they are at when said girl flashes her boobage.

                My Tenth Birthday.  Believe me you would have seen some boobs.  After my mom has about 5 sambucca and cokes, she likes to show everyone how “free spirited” she is.  I will never forget it.  As soon as I blew out my candles wishing for a new nerf gun, my mother pulled up her shirt and screamed “WOOOO, I’m so wasted.. My Baby’s Birthday, WOOHOOO MOTHERFUCKERS!”  Fourth grade was tough. 


                The Office X-mas party.  Oh hell ya! There gunna be some boobies!  Every office has at least one girl that will drink too much,  flash her boobies, make out with some random dude, and puke. Not always in that order; but, for the guy being kissed, it’s preferred. If you are lucky your office will have more than one of these girls. It’s natural for them to engage in a competition of how many times they flash their boobies. All night at the party you will hear “WOOOOO, I’m so wasted, MERRY CHRISTMAS, WOOOHOOO!” in the back ground. It truly is a Christmas miracle.

                Sturgis, South Dakota.  Every year in South Dakota, massive numbers of middle-aged people gather.  Not, as you might think, to see Mount Rushmore; instead, they ride their motorcycles around and get drunk, fight, and flash some titties. Be forewarned, these are not your nice Mardigras boobies. They are giant, fake, scary boobs. The formula is simple: no beads or dollar bills needed. All you have to do is scream, “HEY YOU, SHOW ME YOUR TITS!” and by some big fake titty magic they appear.

                Cancun, Mexico.  Always!  You will always see boobs in Cancun.  I once heard a girl scream “WOOO, IM SO WASTED. FLAG DAY!  WOOOHOOOOO!”

                Lynard Skynard Concert. All Skynard concerts, but also, every Kid Rock and Jimmy Buffet show, and others of their ilk. Once again you are warned. You go to a Skynard or Buffet concert you will see boobs, but they are sad boobies: old, fat, blue, veiny boobies. These chicks drink so much they forget that they are 53 year old substitute teachers. They smoke so much pot that they are whisked away to a time when they were much younger, hotter, and tighter. I have seen a 240 lb women manage to pull her tight tank top over three levels of rolls, only to have her floppy sad boobs slide down to her belt buckle  as she screams, “WOOO, I’M WASTED.  BUFFET! WOOOHOOO!”.    

                Spring Break.  Then there is always Spring Break motherfuckers. Spring break.


  1. "Wait, I think I know that chick."

    "Who" you ask?

    All of them!!! (Particularly the office party girl. I seriously think I know her. From college or something).

  2. Only place to see GOOD ones?
    Spring break.
    Just sayin.

  3. Oke, not all pics are nice. Nuff' said ;)

  4. Nice. I don't think I see enough free boobs here in England.

  5. Good stuff, big ol' man boobs is what gets me going.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Now THIS is useful information.

  8. haha great post, can't get enough of them boobies

  9. Perhaps one of the most important articles of our time.

  10. I laughed a lot at your tenth birthday :D

  11. Truly your are doing the public a service with this blog.

  12. well, those are nice... advices

    i'll follow your blog

  13. preposterous! See them in the club, or at your house after the bar, obv!

  14. Nice post. Love them boobies!

  15. ohhh the third one is horrendous. please make it go away

  16. Hilarious, but still have that acid taste in my throat from some of those pictures.

  17. Can I meet your mum?

  18. I really like this post!

  19. Hhahah laughed a lot :) Spring break in 4 months

  20. Hahahahhaa, really funny post! Thanks for this :-D

  21. Cancun, Mexico i lost count on how many pairs of boobs i saw and it was only day one. I LOVE SPRINGBREAK XD

    and thanks for being my 100th follower :)

  22. A very informative post I must say

  23. Lovely list you have here my friend. A word of advice to any Alaskan readers: plenty of boobs to be seen at the upcoming Spring Break rave!

  24. Lol, You gotta love spring break.

    Following and supporting!


  25. some of those just made me sick to look at.

  26. wait. why did they block out the boobies :[

  27. I don´t love boobs... LOL

  28. Oh dear....some of those boobs were kinda scary!

  29. We did not block out the boobies, thats how these poor girls nipples look. Its a horrific nipple disorder that effects our mothers and sisters.

    Great post. Brazilian Carnaval is a good place to looking for free boobs

  31. Must have the chick from the Skynard Concert, so hawt!

  32. This is the greatest thing I've ever laid my eyes upon...

  33. Some great, some awful but thank for post anyway.

  34. Free boobs are free for a reason.

  35. them boobs at the last pic.... awesomee

  36. Lol, nice topic! Wish it was that easy xD

  37. Awesome post. That was actually really entertaining.

  38. Spring break's comin' up, I can't wait!
